Github 标签管理
Stephen Cui ... 2022-08-11 08:08:00 About 2 min
# Summary
The Problem: There are a lot of attributes without any category that could give someone confusing status and lost some important status for an issue.
The Princple:
- Questions are first divided into dimensions, a question can have multiple dimension labels.
- Within the same dimension, different labels use gradient colors according to a certain order.
- Status, process status.
- Category, bug、feature, etc.
- Priority, relative priority.
- Difficulty, relative fix issue cost time.
- Interaction, attribute for community interaction
# 1.Status
- Investigating: We are going to confirm the issue.
- Invalid: The issue is not match the datart issue rule, this issue will be closed.
- Inactive: Overdue or long time no response issue, will be close.
- Duplicate: This issue or pull request already exists.
- WontFix: Permanently restricted feature/issue that can't be worked upon.
- NeedClarification: This issue needs additional clarification from the reporter before the team can investigate.
- Discussing: Under discussion threads. Closed as stale after 60 days of inactivity.
- Planning: Is going to make a plan.
- VolunteerWanted: Need more input from community.
- Pending: Is waiting on followup from either the Opening Poster of the issue or PR, or a maintainer.
- WorkInProgress: Issues/PRs - Work in Progress (WIP).
- GoodFirstIssue: An issue that is suitable for first-time contributors; often a documentation issue.
- Validating: Verify in dev/pre-release enironment.
# 2.Category
- Bug: The behavior is not expected by design.
- Improvement: The behavior is better to have.
- NewFeature: New behavior that not implement yet.
- Documentation: Need more document to describe how to use.
- Calcite: Calcite issue that need to confirm.
# 3.Priority
# P1
P1: Critical
Triggering conditions 👉:
- Could reproduce and crash
- Need fix in next release
# P2
P2: High
Triggering conditions 👉:
- Could reprocuce but not crash
# P3
P3: Meidum
Triggering conditions 👉:
- Need to fix, but not planning yet, if get more attension, should be upgrade to P2
# P4
P4: Low
Triggering conditions 👉:
- No need to fix, if get more attension, should be upgrade to P3
# Common Rule
- If there is a workaround, the priority may be moved down.(如有兼容方案,则优先级降低)
- If a bug gets a lot of duplicates, the priority may be moved up.(如果 Bug 产生了很多重复数据,则提升优先级?)
- If a bug is getting a lot of public attention, the priority may be moved up.(如果 Bug 反馈较多,则提升优先级)
# 4.Difficulty
- Easy: 0-3 days
- Medium: 3-5 days
- Hard: More than one week?
# 5.Interaction
- 🔥Heat: More attention from community
- 👏Good Idea: Give more commendation
# 参考
[^1]GitHub Issues: Tagging Best Practices - Save Time! (opens new window)