Amazing Lazy.js
# Amazing Lazy.js
Note: This library is experimental and still a work in progress. v0.5.1
# What is lazy.js
Lazy.js is a functional utility library for JavaScript, similar to Underscore and Lodash, but with a lazy engine under the hood that strives to do as little work as possible while being as flexible as possible.
在处理大数据量的情况下,性能是优于原生实现以及类lodash类库[1], benchmark的对比官网也给了很详细的例子[2]。
# Why so fast
- lazy evaluation[4]
- no extra array variable, 每次中间迭代使用的是XXXSequence作为下一次执行的入参
# Reference
Demo: ↩︎
Benchmark: ↩︎
lazyjs自述: ↩︎
lazy-evaluation: ↩︎